Monday, September 14, 2009

Wonders if anyone actually checks my blog anymore

Hey guys, does anyone even get on here anymore?


  1. I have started to! :) Thanks for following my blog. I can't wait to get to know you and everyone else in choir better. I hope to make many new friends in choir!

    Oh! I was reading your profile and read that you love math. Well I do too. :P It is my favorite subject.
    It's so fun when you know more math than anyone in your family, especially when they have to grade it and you have to help them on how to read and say the answers.

    Just wondering what kind of math do you do? Like I am doing Saxon Advanced Math.

  2. Thanks guys!!!
    Wow! Daniel, you really do, your response was super fast.
    Katie, i love your response! I just love you!

    Zac, i am doing the same math course!!! What lessons are you on? i'm doing lesson 25, but will finish lesson 28 by next tuesday. :D

    Thatnks for my winki face and smiley face Josh and Abby. ;) :D

  3. I just did lesson 27 today and will be doing lesson 28 on tuesday too. I am actually taking the course with a teacher in the area (Mr. Derrick, have you heard of him).

  4. I do! I just rarely feel special :) See ya tomorrow.

  5. Well Miss Leah, please respond! That's what i live for, responses on my blog.
    Zac, hahahaha. I take from him too on tuesdays in SL
