Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blueberry Festival

You may be wondering, what is a blueberry fest??? Well, here is what went down for us!
First, we woke up early. O.K. early as in I think we got up at 7:30.
We arrived at the festival around 8:00. We jumped in the line for blueberry pancakes, and an hour and five minutes later, we ate pancakes! Let’s just say they were really good pancakes. I heard that Bill White was even in the line, but I didn't realize it.

After our great pancakes, we walked around looking at little tents with cutsie shops in them. I bought a pair of GREEN sunglasses!

My mom and sister bought parasols, which they brilliantly used to protect them from the sun. I stupidly didn't. I have a striking sunburn now. It's pretty intense and hurt (actually hurts) an awful lot.

Cowboy Max was one of the best parts! He was a COWBOY and he had a lasso AND a bullwhip! He showed us some sweet lasso moves while we stood in our hour and five minute pancake line. He had young children jump into it while he was twirling it. Then he also twirled the lasso around himself at one point. However, my ultimate favorite trick he did was he gave my family a mini show! We missed his regular show, but he said he would give us a sneak peak. He said "I’ll be right back, I’m going to go get my bullwhip and whip something outa your (dad's) mouth." He came running back and handed my dad a carnation that was as long as my arm! He asked us "ladies, how brave would you say he is, on a scale from 1 to 10?" Of course we all said 10!!!!!! Well, poor dad. Cowboy Max slowly but surely stripped the carnation's stem down to only about a little longer than my hand. Then he carefully positioned my dad to hold the flower (although, he put it in his hand not his mouth). He took a couple cracks (meaning he whipped his whip and made a few jokes!), then he whipped it out of my dad's hand. It was quite impressive.

See the carnation?

Next, we walked into air-conditioning (which was quite a treat since I believe the temperature had been in the late 90s). We listened to some jazz and I really wanted to swing dance all of a sudden!
It was a really fun day filled with many other fun events (including me winning bingo, my family playing dominos at the hotel, and many other things).

Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing a peak into blueberry fest. Hope to see you in Nachegdoches Texas for blueberry fest next year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great post on the Blueberry Festival! Give me a call at the Nacogdoches County Chamber - we may have a special treat for your good words.
    - Bruce
