Thursday, November 19, 2009

Youth and Government




8. An Act mandating medical facilities and doctors that assist in performing abortions to

9. provide more information to women seeking abortion and declaring an emergency.


11. To be enacted by the YMCA Youth Legislature of the State of Texas.


13. Section 1. Definitions Clause:

14. A. Medical Facility: any location that is offering medical assistance.

15. B. Abortion: Intentional termination of a developing human fetus.

16. C. Touch of Life Fetal Models, 1st Trimester TOL, Item Number 7556FT: Models of 7, 8,

17. 9, and 10 week old human fetuses.

18. D. Touch of Life Fetal Models, Item Number 7550TL: Models of 12, 20, 26 and 30

19. week old human fetuses.


21. Section 2. Purpose Clause:

22. To help women make well informed decisions about having abortions.


24. Section 3. Provisions Clause:

25. Doctors and clinics which perform abortions must provide the following information to

26. women seeking abortions prior to the abortion.

27. A. What the human fetus inside a woman looks like using Touch of Life Fetal Models, 1st

28. Trimester TOL, Item Number 7556FT and Touch of Life Fetal Models, Item Number

29. 7550TL.

30. B. The potential immediate, near, and long term emotional and physical health risks of having an

31. abortion using an informational video to be made by the Texas Health Department and

32. approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the State of Texas.


34. Section 4. Penalty Clause:

35.A doctor and medical facility refusing to comply will have their license suspended until they

36. comply.

37. Section 5. Effective Date Clause:

38. This Act will take effect one (1) year after the passage of this bill.

I'm in a program called youth and government that is associated with the YMCA. I am participating as a Senator of the Texas congress and the above is my bill. Please pray that i have words to speak to the kids that will be there. I will post more as soon as i can.



  1. THANKS! And thanks for listening! I need the prayer! hey any good pictures from our 2 minute shoot?

  2. a couple maybe...I'll do some editing and email soon. um...the files will be rather big 'cause I was shooting RAW so I may have to send several emails or just clog up your email permanently! :) Which would you prefer? lol!

  3. Hahahahahha, ummm... separate emails. :D

  4. So how did you speech go?????? Come on spill the beans. :)

  5. It went ok. It passed in committee, but that's not saying much. Everything passes in committee. I didn't get into General Assembly, but Jason did and he ROCKED IT! We had similar bills, his was just more pro life than mine. His was making abortion illegal unless it's going to kill the mom. So i had fun and i got to talk to some people on the side lines about what i believe, which that story is going to have to wait because it's very long...maybe i should blogg about it. So i had a BLAST! didn't go completely how i planned, but still great! Thanks for asking and praying.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yay Jason! that one of the three cents or is it a different one? :) Glad it went ok..I was waiting for a phone call or email or something, then thought I'd check your blog! glad it went ok.

    oops...sorry about the comment before, i did the same thing twice. (not sure how that happened??)

  8. It's one of the cents yes lol. Sorry i didn't call or email. I can't wait to talk to you about it. Thanks for the prayers.

  9. I will be praying for you! Good luck, Kristen!
