Saturday, August 15, 2009

Life Wouldn’t Be The Same

Have you ever stopped to think about things that have changed your life? Little moments that seemed so big then, but are so small now; or maybe vice-versa, they were so small then, but huge now. Maybe talking to one person, or having a sunny day instead of rain, or maybe having a kind word spoken has completely changed your life. Looking back on my life I see many of those moments. Some make my heart have warm fuzzies, others make me want to cry, but each have developed my outlook on life. I kinda wish that I could jump from parallel universe to parallel universe (not that I particularly believe in parallel universes, I just like the idea of seeing different ways my life would have turned out), but I think that this is the most perfect life I could have if I were to not change anything but my actions. Think, I have a mom, dad, two beautiful sisters, a whole bunch of relatives, friends upon friends upon friends that each have a place in my heart…I’ve lived overseas, I’ve lived in the grand ol’ state of Texas in the great country of the U.S. of A! I’ve had good times and bad. I’ve had a great life. I dedicate this post to being thankful for everything, even the hard times that have happened. Thank You oh Lord!

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